Monday, January 16, 2012

Okay For Now

book cover of 
Okay for Now 
Gary D Schmidt

Ollo, peoples. 'Kay, so this post is about the book Okay For Now by Gary D. Schimdt. I had been browsing on one of my favorite websites, Fantastic Fiction, and had come across this book. I remembered seeing it on the new shelf at my library, and made a mental note to check it out. When I did, it made me cry.
Doug Swieteck's life is tough. The book opens on his family's abrupt move to a small town in New York, which Doug is sure he is going to hate. But then he ends up in the library. And that's where he sees the Arctic Tern picture. This book was written in delightful variations on a main theme, from Doug's weekly Saturday grocery delivery job, to the Saturday visits to the library, to the regathering of pictures to make a book whole again.
Because of some tense themes, I recommend this book for ages 13 and up. Author: Gary D. Schmidt. Release date: 2011 On a scale of 1 being not so good, and 10 being the very best book I've ever read, I rate this book a 6. Check out the website at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm sure I will end up buying this one as well....:)
